Friday, September 7, 2012


1. My computer experience is that i had 2 years of computer graphics in high school, fundamentals of programming in college and in c++ this semester.

2. I never used either photoshop or illustrator, but i do own a mac so shouldn't be to hard to figure out.

3.i took this class as part of my requirements for my major

4. Van Gogh

5. Volcolm clothing

6. something interesting about myself is that i just received employee of the month at my work

7. I have computer access at all times.

8. A great accomplishment in my life was passing high school. To many this seems easy but i never liked school and was more concerned about having a good time. I passed high school with a C average and to me this was great, for my parents just wanted me to pass. Coming to CCC was a great choice for me because i started taking school seriously and enjoying doing well. I use to hate school but now i don't mind coming in to school.